Sobre Nosotros

Acercando la naturaleza a los más jóvenes

As a National Outdoor Centre, Plas y Brenin develops the people that develop the outdoor sector – from instructors to centre managers to expedition leaders to NGB officers to policymakers. This includes developing inspiring coaches, instructors and leaders in adventure sport, be they volunteers or working professionally in the sector, to better support people, from all backgrounds, to get active in the outdoors.

By hosting conferences, symposiums and meetings, we bring together practitioners from across the UK (and beyond) to share learning, transfer good practice and raise standards. This inspirational venue, with a world-class reputation, is also committed to helping individuals nurture their skills and confidence for independent adventures.

Inclusión y Cooperación

Educación no formal como metodología transversal

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, 

this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

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personas alojadas al año
jovenes en campamentos
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Últimas actividades

Gasolinera El Real de San Vicente

Para poder acceder a esta oferta, contactar previamente con el personal de el Campamento el Piélago.  **No se olviden de…

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Curso de Monitores Semana Santa

Curso de Monitor de actividades juveniles  En colaboración con la Asociación Arkhe ya tenemos funcionando las convocatorias de cursos de…

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Encuentro Anual de Monitores

Cada temporada de verano nuestros monitores y monitoras se dedican con gran esfuerzo al ocio de todos los jóvenes que pasan…

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